News about BayesFusion’s products

BayesFusion now offers free, 30-day, hosted evaluation of BayesBox. We maintain the server, the customer only needs to upload the networks using browser-based admin interface. Access to uploaded models can be protected by password on request.

Contact us for details.

BayesFusion releases GeNIe 2.4 today. Users can now define their own functions for use in continuous and hybrid Bayesian models. NoisyMAX and noisyAdder are now fully supported in hybrid models. It’s also possible to download models directly from a BayesBox instance.

We have released BayesMobile, an application for mobile devices which can be used to perform inference and diagnosis with Bayesian models.

We have released BayesBox, a software for using Bayesian networks in a web browser. To see it in action, visit our interactive model repository at or a demo site at

BayesFusion releases GeNIe 2.3 with numerous enhancements to the user interface, especially in its learning functionality. Among other improvements, GeNIe 2.3 introduces direct treatment of Noisy-MAX gates in inference algorithms, which greatly improves performance for large models containing Noisy-MAX gates.


SMILE is now available for Visual Studio 2017.


We have added iOS to the list of platforms for which SMILE is compiled. The library is available for download.

SMILE licenses generated by our licensing server include the license for use with R/rJava (in addition to C++, Python, Java, C# and VB.NET).

BayesFusion releases an interactive model repository that allows users to open models and work with them using any web browser.  The user can set evidence (or a decision in influence diagrams) and observe the impact of this observation on the rest of the model.  Models in the repository are divided into small Bayesian networks, large Bayesian networks, hybrid Bayesian networks, and influence diagrams.  Each of the repository models can be downloaded in order to be used locally through GeNIe.

Python logo

BayesFusion has released PySMILE, a SMILE wrapper for direct use from Python.  We supported Python in the past but only through jSMILE, SMILE’s Java wrapper.  We strive to ensure feature symmetry between the wrappers — features available in one wrapper are generally available in other wrappers and are all described in one wrapper manual.

PySMILE can be downloaded from the BayesFusion downloads page.  Please see BayesFusion documentation page for more details.