News about BayesFusion’s products
BayesFusion’s Maven repository for jSMILE is now available. If you use jSMILE in a Maven-based project, you can reference the library directly in your POM file. For more details (including native library integration in POM), please refer to the Platforms and Wrappers/Java and jSMILE /Maven section in SMILE Wrappers Programmer’s Manual at our documentation website:
BayesFusion releases SMILE 1.6. This version fully supports Unicode in node identifiers, names, and other textual attributes stored in models.
To download the library, visit
The documentation is available at
We have just released GeNIe 3.0. This version includes a user interface refresh and full support for Unicode in directory paths and all texts inside models, so GeNIe 3.0 supports non-Latin alphabets.
To download the GeNIe Installer, visit
We have released GeNIe 2.5. This version includes QGeNIe, a qualitative interface to Bayesian networks useful for rapid prototyping and support of strategic decisions in group settings.
We have also introduced many small improvements that further enhance user modeling interface, including streamlining GeNIe diagnostic interface, various ways of selecting and highlighting model elements, and model navigation.
BayesBox is an online viewer/repository for Bayesian networks and other probabilistic graphical model types.
BayesFusion releases SMILE 1.5. This release includes rSMILE, a native wrapper for R.
SMILE 1.4 is now available. Notable new features in this release include:
- full support for Python 3.x
- new functions, random generators and custom functions for use in equation-based nodes
- noisyMAX decomposition algorithm
- specialized entropy-based diagnosis algorithm for mutually exclusive faults
- performance and reliability improvements
Libraries are available for download now at
Fun fact: during the full build process we currently compile 60 SMILE variants for use with Visual C++. 60 = 5 x 3 x 2 x 2.
- 5 Visual Studio versions (2010, ’12, ’13, ’15, ’17)
- 3 C++ runtime types (static release, DLL release, DLL debug)
- 2 CPU architectures (x86 and x64)
- 2 product editions (Academic and Business)
This of course is in addition to many versions for Linux, Mac, iOS and accompanying wrappers for multiple programming languages.
BayesFusion now offers free, 30-day, hosted evaluation of BayesBox. We maintain the server, the customer only needs to upload the networks using browser-based admin interface. Access to uploaded models can be protected by password on request.
Contact us for details.