Entries by BayesFusion


SMILE 2.0 is now available. This version of the library supports discrete node outcomes based on numeric intervals or point values. Also, the metalog probability distribution can be used in equation node definitions. The libraries for C++, Python, Java, R and .NET can be downloaded from https://download.bayesfusion.com. We also maintain repositories for use with Maven and […]

GeNIe 4.0

GeNIe 4.0 is now available at https://download.bayesfusion.com. Most important new features are: discrete nodes with outcomes based on numeric intervals or point values metalog distribution, including interactive metalog builder tool geospatial processing added, Esri ASCII raster grids supported new Distribution Visualizer window

Maven repository for jSMILE

BayesFusion’s Maven repository for jSMILE is now available. If you use jSMILE in a Maven-based project, you can reference the library directly in your POM file. For more details (including native library integration in POM), please refer to the Platforms and Wrappers/Java and jSMILE /Maven section in SMILE Wrappers Programmer’s Manual at our documentation website: https://support.bayesfusion.com/docs/


BayesFusion On-Line Course on “Decision-theoretic Modeling” Feb 1-10, 2021

This is a 14-hour course covering the principles of probabilistic modeling using Bayesian networks, building Bayesian networks based on expert knowledge (both structure and numerical parameters), dynamic Bayesian networks, learning Bayesian networks from data and causal discovery, parameter learning, validation techniques, elements of expected utility theory, utility elicitation, and influence diagrams.   Meeting times: The […]


BayesFusion On-Line Course on “Decision-theoretic Modeling” Nov 5-13, 2020

This is a 12-hour course covering the principles of probabilistic modeling using Bayesian networks, building Bayesian networks based on expert knowledge (both structure and numerical parameters), dynamic Bayesian networks, learning Bayesian networks from data and causal discovery, parameter learning, validation techniques, elements of expected utility theory, utility elicitation, and influence diagrams.   Meeting times: The […]

PGM-2020 BayesFusion Best Student Paper Award winner announced

The Program Committee of the 10th Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2020) conference announced the winner of the BayesFusion Best Student Paper Award in Aalborg, Denmark, on September 25. The winner is: Alessandro Bregoli, Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy, for the paper entitled Constraint-Based Learning for Continuous-Time Bayesian Networks, co-authored with Marco Scutari and […]

SMILE 1.6 Released

BayesFusion releases SMILE 1.6. This version fully supports Unicode in node identifiers, names, and other textual attributes stored in models. To download the library, visit https://download.bayesfusion.com The documentation is available at https://support.bayesfusion.com/docs      

GeNIe 3.0 released

We have just released GeNIe 3.0. This version includes a user interface refresh and full support for Unicode in directory paths and all texts inside models, so GeNIe 3.0 supports non-Latin alphabets. To download the GeNIe Installer, visit https://download.bayesfusion.com